Dear respective members of Sparks,
In accordance to the CLAUSE 7 (iv) of the organization's Rules & Constitution, I am pleased to announce that the organization will be having its 5th Biennial General Meeting, calling for motions for discussion, motion for amendment of Rules and nominations for the election of the Committee, as per following information.
Date: 31st March 2016, Thursday
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: The Palace Hotel Kota Kinabalu
Address: No.1, Jalan Tangki, Karamunsing, 88100 Kota Kinabalu
(Note: Refreshments will be served at 6pm to 7pm)
Agenda of the 5th Biennial General Meeting 2016:
1. Call to order
2. Introduction
3. Establishment of Quorum
4. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 4th Biennial General Meeting held on 31st March 2014
5. To Receive Biennial Report from Exco Committee Members 2014-2016
(a) President
(b) Deputy President
(c) Festival Director of Kota Kinabalu International Film Festival (KKIFF)
6. Ratification of Sponsorships given out by Sparks in Year 2014 & 2015
a) Year 2014
b) Year 2015
7. To Receive and Adopt Treasurer’s Interim Financial Report (2014 & 2015)
8. To Appoint 2 Honorary Auditors
9. To Receive and Adopt Nomination Forms for the Election of Office Bearers 2016-2018
10. Election of Office Bearers 2016-2018
11. Vote of Thanks to Outgoing Exco Committee Members by Outgoing President
12. Welcoming Speech & Vote of Thanks by President Elect
13. Appointment of Advisory Group 2016-2018
a) Senior Advisory Team (if any)
b) Festival Director of Kota Kinabalu International Film Festival (KKIFF)
14. Resolution of Change of Cheque Signatories for Term 2016-2018
15. Motion to Change the Registered Address and Postal Address of Society of Performing Arts Kota Kinabalu, Sabah in its Constitution registered in the Registrar of Society
16. Any Other Business
17. Announcements
18. Adjournment
Racheal Narizo
Secretary SPArKS 2014-2016
Secretary SPArKS 2014-2016